Golden raisins:

This product is produced from seedless grapes. In this method, after stacking, the grape clusters are tied together vertically with yarns of 2 to 3 meters in the shape of a pendulum, then to reduce the drying time, they are dipped in a substance called Tizab (potassium carbonate, water and Australian oil). It is hung from the ceiling away from sunlight and then placed in SO2 sulfur vapor for 7 to 8 hours, which makes the grape skin thinner and takes on a golden color.

Raisins are obtained by drying grapes, whether by the sun or in a dryer, which eventually turns the grapes golden, green or brown. Their taste is naturally sweet. Sarva raisins are tested in the most valid laboratories around the world.

Golden and sultana raisins are produced from the same grape and the only difference is how it dries. Sultana raisins dry naturally while golden raisins are processed with SO2. Sarva raisins are of the highest quality.

Benefits of Raisins:

1- Raisins are high in energy, low in fat and low in sodium.

2- It has antioxidant properties and prevents cell destruction.

3- Prevents osteoporosis

4- It is a good source of vitamin D and estrogen.

5- Raisins are very useful for the health of teeth and gums.

6- Elements and vitamins such as iron, potassium, calcium and B vitamins are present in raisins.

Click here to view the catalog.

Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Energy 299 Kcal
Carbohydrates 79.18 g
Protein 3.07 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Total Fat 0.46 g
Sugars 59.19 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Dietary Fiber 3.7 g
Sodium 11 mg
Potassium 749 mg
Calcium 50 mg

Shipping information

shipping information Packing Unit Net Weight(Kgs) Cantainer Quantity Total Net Weight(Kgs)
Sultanas Carton (40 Cm*25 Cm*16 Cm) 10 20 Ft
40 Ft
Sun dried raisin Carton (40 Cm*25 Cm*16 Cm) 10 20 Ft
40 Ft
Golden raisins Carton (40 Cm*25 Cm*16 Cm) 10 20 Ft
40 Ft
Kashmar raisin Carton (40 Cm*29 Cm*14 Cm) 10 20 Ft
40 Ft